Do you need Wellbeing Ambassadors in your Workplace?
We all know that feeling good at work is important. When we're happy and healthy, we're more productive, engaged, and likely to stick around. But sometimes, it feels like there are roadblocks in the way of creating real change.
Now, you might be thinking, "What exactly does a Wellbeing Ambassador do?"
Mental Health & Wellbeing: Are they the same?
Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000) are classically credited with promoting a field of research to understand what allows people to be mentally healthy, thrive and experience optimal wellbeing. They claim “that there are human strengths that act as buffers against mental illness” …
The Link between Wellbeing and Performance
An extensive Gallup study suggests that employee engagement is strongly linked to creating an increase in positive emotions which ultimately then leads to increased performance…
The Costs of Presenteeism
For many years, absenteeism has been the focus for businesses, but now ‘presenteeism’ is also becoming a problem, with over 86% of organisations saying they have observed this in the past year. Presenteeism is a…
What is Psychological Capital?
Psychological capital (PsyCap) is a theory in ‘positive organisational behaviour’ (POB) which focuses on developing the person for them to reach their full potential in order to increase performance and wellbeing in organisations (Luthans, Luthans, & Luthans, 2004). PsyCap is believed to …